Austin - July 2007

I an long overdue to post a few pictures of my favorite little man.  Austin is 2 1/2, and has almost outgrown all his health issues.  Phew!!!   
There is no 'special event' for this page - it's just a random selection of pics from the past several months. Enjoy!



Here are the most recent pictures.
These two were taken just a few days ago.




Austin learns to swim.




Trying to dry off without a towel.



Here's a few pictures of Austin with his Mama.









One of my favorites!
We took this picture several months ago.




Here's a few pictures from our block party.










Looks like Austin is ready for his nap.




Someone got into the markers.








his is usually what happens when we try to take pictures






MiMi's birthday!







Austin has conquered his fear of dogs.




Austin loves to be UPSIDE DOWN!!

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