I have been good about getting my concert pics posted, but I have a ton of family pics that have been stacking up. Without further adieu, here are some miscellaneous pics taken over the past few months - from September through November 2007 - starting with a few shots of us just goofing off around the house.
And this is what the kids look like when we are driving somewhere. If we are in the car more than 5 minutes - they want to watch a video.
This is Jacqui telling her mom how her new hair color is SO DARK!!
Pops and Austin blow some bubbles!!!
Yes, that's Pops riding the scooter - I think I was more nervous then he was.
Here are a few pics from my brother's house - celebrating Trey's birthday.
...and here are some more pics of us just goofing off around the house.
YES! I finally have a reliable car washing assistant!
And finally, we wrap up this page with pics from "Nemo on Ice". Austin and Lauren really enjoyed the show. ...heck, Jacqui and I enjoyed it too!