Here's a few miscellaneous pics from 2015.
Austin and I play laser chess - a fun game we got for Christmas.
Three black beauties all in a row.
Austin was selected to represent Scanlin Oaks Elementary in the District Science
Way to Go Buddy~!
MARCH 2015
I took Austin, Nana and Lauren touring around downtown.
Austin was excited about the tunnels, but it wasn't like he expected - looks
more like a mall than a tunnel underground.
APRIL 2015
Bowling is FUN!!
MAY 2015
Lauren graduated Jr High, and got some awards too!
Was you can see, she was really excited.
Later, the girls celebrated graduation with a party!
Lauren, showing the love.
JULY 2015
and Julie took the kids to Schlitterbahn
Austin will now eat BEEF ENCHILADAS!!
Not a great shot, but wanted to show the kids and Paris playing on the golf
course (after hours of course)
A rainbow!!
Enjoying the pool late in the season...perhaps for the past time this year.
Lauren's Freshman Year of High School Homecoming
...and I joined the Space
City Pinball League
November started out with a bang.
...but not
in a good way.
Thankfully, nobody was hurt, and the other guys insurance paid for everything.
Grace did not want to take pictures
The cousins enjoy cookies