Another month gone. I swear, the older you get - the faster time seems to race
on. August 2003 was a good month. I had a LOT of fun doing lots of different
stuff - can't ask for more than that.
A lot of my spare time has been spent sitting right here in front of the computer. I like it. Especially when there are games like BattleField 1942 - Desert Combat. Me and some of my friends have put together a gaming clan - Texas Combat Crew. OK - had to get that shameless plug in there. Don't worry, I see the sunlight occasionally.
One day, when I wasn't in front of the PC, I took Lauren to the airport to fly in Pop's little plane (single engine 4 seater). Lauren has flown in the big jet plane a bunch of times - to Colorado and Louisiana - but this was her first time in the little plane.
Getting ready to board the aircraft....please
watch your step...
...posing with the pilot...
...screaming at imaginary monsters.
Welcome to Pop's Airline
- Flight Attendants please be seated for takeoff.
Another day away from the PC...we enjoyed a relaxing ride on the Merry-go-round. Lauren was more afraid of that than the airplane - go figure.
It won't be long before Lauren
has her own website....posting her own pictures.