Austin (and Lauren) play Soccer - 2009

In these pics, Austin is FOUR years old (he turned 5 in Dec09)...and quite the little soccer champ! He scored seven goals in his first 'real' game, and from that point forward wasn't happy unless he scored a few goals every game. ...nothing like setting the bar high. Well, the most important thing is that he's having fun.


Austin's soccer team




Practice makes perfect...




There's the goal - SHOOT!!








Good Job Buddy!!





Lauren also played soccer this season.
Here she enjoys a chocolate shake with Pops after a game.








Save some for me!!!!





Austin waits his turn...



It looks like a team scrimmage....



Lauren and Jacqui watch form the sidelines.



Nana and Pops came to a few games.






I took this pic because, if you look close, you can see a double rainbow.
























I took about 1,000 pictures....and seems like I posted near all of them...




I like this one - Austin shoots against the other team.



...and then flirts with their players.





Look at the determination on his face - GO MAN GO!!!







Austin plays defense ....ready to block the shot.



Way to mix it up!!





Notice that today, his sleeves were a bit too long....but he didn't care.


















...I took a lot of pics that day.



Here's a good one of Lauren.



Taking a goldfish break - it must be half-time.













That's it - hope you enjoyed the pics!!


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