Austin plays Soccer - 2010

I'm usually a very modest person - but I can't help bragging about my kids. I'm so proud of both of them! This year, Austin played soccer - and he was AWESOME! Sometimes we would joke that it was 'the Austin show' because he would make so many goals. I'm not kidding when I say that a couple times he scored about TEN goals in a game. Of course, the competition isn't exactly fierce at this age - but still...I was more than impressed.

Here are a bunch of pics from his last game...


The official Purple People Eater team photo



















Look at that concentration!




Another goal for Austin!




He isn't afraid to mix it up with the other team.






...and another goal!!







"The Austin Show!" boy is tough - he didn't let a wounded knee slow him down.




I think Ryan enjoyed watching Austin play.





...another goal for Austin?   Heck Yeah!





Good Game everyone~!






This is Austin's first trophy - and he was SO EXCITED!







We can't wait 'till next year!


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