Miscellaneous Austin pics

I was looking back, and realized I never posted any pictures from Austin's 1st birthday.  BAD DAD!!  Honestly, I think Austin must have been sick - because I don't remember getting any.  Anyway, Here are a few miscellaneous pictures taken a couple months after his first birthday.

At my parents house - sometime around Christmas I think.


The next three pictures were taken when Jay, Sherrie, Claire and Christopher came to celebrate the 2006 New Year. One of the things we did was go to the Zoo. You can see all the zoo pictures RIGHT HERE - the ones below were 'left overs'...but too cute not to post.


Austin and Christopher really enjoyed playing together.




Hey - don't eat my book!





OK, get up - we can share.


These next few pics were taken on one of the few cold days we had (seems like it never really got cold this winter).





Lauren tries to get Austin to smile.



He just won't look at the camera - so Lauren grabs his head and ...well....




...awww - Good picture!
I guess grabbing his head wasn't such a bad idea afterall.




Austin with his Grandma Mimi


These next few pictures were taken at the Houston Zoo. This time we went with Kathy and her kid Zachary. I would have taken a bunch more - but the battery died.


The kids love to play on the elephant.



Everyone smile....



Oh yeah, I was there too.



I must say - Austin is SO CUTE!!
These past several months have been awesome - his health has improved greatly, and he is such a happy kid!!

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