Austin's 4th Birthday
(...and my 44th)
My little man is four years old~! On one hand, it seems like just yesterday that he was born. But on the other hand, I remember all too well how difficult his first couple of years were - and it seemed he would never outgrow his health problems. Thankfully, he has. Right after Halloween, he had his tonsils taken out, tubes put in - and a cyst removed from his neck. He recovered from that surgery quickly and is now - for all intents and purposes - perfectly healthy (knock on wood!).
My birthday is two days before Austin's - so I threw in a couple pics from that day.
40 + 3 + 1 = 44
Happy birthday to me!!! :-P
Austin's 4th Birthday!!!!!
That is a
HUGE gift! it!!
Ahhh, the cycle of life - Lauren teaches her younger brother the fine art of
gift opening.
Ohhhh - a 3d book!
How does this work?
Everyone watches the warning video.
My favorite pic of the day.
Everyone LOVED the slide - me too! (sorry no pics of that - ha)
You will notice - it seems Austin has a girlfriend. Kylie - she's so cute.
It really is fun. :)
Hmmm, how shall I attack this?
OK - Time to Eat!!!
These two were inseparable.
Jeez Bill, won't you give up your seat for one of the ladies?
Lauren and Trey wait patiently for the Pizza.
Austin is KING!!
The King is about to get slimed.
Group Photo!...(while they are still clean)
Let's eat cake! ...and this was Austin's FIRST cake that he would eat - WooHoo!!
The BLUE icing is the best.
Let's open presents! (again)
MONEY!!! ..this was daddy's favorite gift.
Hey - it's not your birthday...'s Austin's Birthday!! Happy B-day Buddy!!!