We really didn't do anything special this Halloween.  I dressed up in my vampire costume, and handed out candy to the Trick-or-Treaters. We must have had almost 200 kids! Lauren dressed up like Dora the Explorer, and Jacqui took her around the block. This was Lauren's 3rd Halloween - she's 2 1/2 years old and just now starting to get excited about stuff like this - it was fun.

"Look at my pumpkin shirt!"



Lauren is excited about Halloween!

Mikki and Andy stopped by our house on their way to a Halloween party. Mikki was a BAD Brownie girl, and Andy was THE MAN.  I'm glad they came by, I was happy to have someone to drink a beer with me. After all, it was a Fried-day night Halloween.

Give that Brownie Girl some Wild Turkey!
...and don't take any crap from THE MAN.

Muhahaha - I vann to dringk your ...beer...



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