Halloween 2013
This year, we started the Halloween celebration a little early. Our neighborhood had a camp-out at the soccer fields on the Saturday before Halloween. It was fun~! Everyone decorated their tents, and the kids went trick-or-treating. There was a movie, and hot dogs - and of course a campfire with smores. I even got dressed up and scared a few kids. The only thing we will do different next time is to bring an air mattress. The ground was hard, and I didn't sleep much. That worked to my favor as about 5:00am I could hear the wind blowing and knew the rain was coming. We got up, and packed right as the storm started.
Lauren and
Austin help set up the tent
Our scary tent wasn't scary enough to win any prizes. Some people REALLY went
all out.
Scary Austin!
Jacqui is getting the trick-or-treat stuff ready.
Lauren is tall, and her friend Kylie is not.
Kindle, Lauren and Kylie
I scared Kindle - hehehehe.
Jacqui's not scared at all
After trick-or-treating, the kids played some soccer.
And now, here are pics from Halloween night. It had been raining most of the day, and we were worried we might get rained out. Thankfully, the weather cleared up around 2:00pm, and I had enough time to finish decorating the house. We had a really fun Halloween.
Miles, Austin
and Lucas are ready for Trick-or-Treating~!
Austin's friend Blake came over to enjoy Halloween with him.
Austin and Blake - don't they look cool~!
Hunter, Miles, Lucas, Austin and Blake all went Trick-or-Treating together -
they had FUN!
Lauren, Nattalie and Kendal went off and did their own thing - and got lots
of candy too.
Meanwhile, I stayed home to scare the kids.
Hey little kids, come get some candy....MUAHAHAHAHAHAA