James Austin @ 6 months

Everyone says that having two kids is three times the work.  It's true.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining....well, maybe just a little.  Perhaps someday little Austin will start sleeping through the night.

But even with the lack of sleep, and the Doctor visits, and all the other hard work - little Austin is such a happy kid. If I can't get a smile out of him, I know something is wrong.

Here's a few pictures we took just before Austin turned six months old. Enjoy!     

Ain't he a cutie!    ...of course, I'm talking about the kid - not that old guy.

Austin's Aunt Julie helps out.


Getting some quality time on the couch.


This is my favorite picture in the whole world.





Hmmm, he looks concerned.







This is his absolute favorite place to be - in his momma's arms.






...and his mom is happy too - I like that!




...again - I'm talking about the baby.
...not that I'm worried anyone will get confused...
...ok, I'll stop now.


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