birth of little James Austin
It's a BOY!! It's a BOY!!!
James Austin was born at 4:10pm Sunday, December 5. The little man weighed in at 6 lb. 11 oz. Most importantly, both mom and baby are in excellent health.
We were scheduled
to induce labor Monday, but Austin wanted to do things his way.
Here he is - one minute old.
We are SO HAPPY!!!
Time for his 1st bath.
...and the official weight is - 6 pounds 11 oz.
Lauren gets to see her baby brother for the 1st time.
"Mommy - he's out of your tummy!"
"He's all wrapped up!"
Lauren's first time to hold her baby brother.
We had a bit of a scare our first night. They detected a slight heart murmur,
and put Austin in the N-ICU. They observed him that night, and all his vitals
were good. The next day the Cardiologist got to see him, and said the murmur
was gone - he was a healthy kid. We had a big HUGE sigh of relief.
So here we are, ready to go home.
Curbside baby delivery - awesome.
He's so tiny in that car-seat.
Finally home, and in the arms of Grandma.
Austin with his big sister, and two Grandma's
Nana and Pops watch Lauren hold the little man.
We tried to get a nice shot of the baby without using a flash - he really didn't
like the flash.
This was the best shot we could get.
Most of 'em looked like this....he can really wiggle.
Mom and baby are looking GREAT!
Waive good-bye little man!