July 4th, 2009
For the past several years, we have been doing the 'neighborhod thing' for the Fourth of July. But this year, our friends just put in their new pool, and invited everyone over for a 4th of July BBQ Pool party - WOOOHOOOO!
PLEASE NOTE: I did not take any pictures on this day. I don't know why, but anyway - I want to give credit to Regina for taking these pics. She did a GREAT job, and I'm grateful to have a copy - THANKS REGINA~!!
Austin and I were there first one's in the pool - we LOVE to go swimming!
...and so does Lauren - she's a GREAT swimmer.
Jacqui - well, if she does get her hair wet, then - sure - she's a good swimmer
Amy, Arron and Ryan showed up not long after we did. The order of the day was
(1) beer, (2) pool (3) food.
...Austin skipped step (1) beer, but wasn't about to miss his chicken nuggets.
Shannon showed up with her kids.....
The proud Pappa of the new pool gaurds the net.
Ryan's g/f soaks up the sun.
If I didn't know better, I'd swear these two didn't move from this spot.
Austin is gonna shoot me with his water gun....
There he goes!!
BigRob and Monica showed up with their girls. ...we had a lot of kids there
that day!
Swimming is hard work! ...and not long after eating...
...she's OUT! ...Happy 4th everyone!!!