Lauren's pre-K Graduation
She's growing up so fast...
I must say, I think it's a bit ridiculous to hold a graduation ceremony for pre-kindergarden. But, I won't be a Scrooge about it - makes for a great picture taking opportunity. are the pics.
Me and my kids
- I'm so proud of them.
OK kids - line up and sit down....DO IT!!!!
Lauren seems to
be the only one paying attention.
It's cute - you
really should see it as a movie
Here's your diploma from day care - I mean pre-K
Golf clap
Lauren knows these
girls...Jacqui may know who they are too - but I have no idea.
Lauren with another friend.....yes - they had flowers too. ...jeez.
That's my girl!
Top row: Ms. Jose, Teacher, Teacher
Bottom row: Friend, Friend, Friend, Friend, Friend, Friend, Lauren
I like this picture for a couple reasons. First, it's just so cute! Second,
you can see Austin walking behind us.
Mimi and Lauren.
Ms. Jose is very nice - Lauren likes her.
OK - Last pic.....HEY - WHERE'S AUSTIN?!?!?!!