Lauren Holley Berryman
Born March 10, 2001

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OK - the room is ready
...and Jacqui is almost ready too.


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The Dog and the Bear square off.


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Contractions are just over 5 minutes apart...


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Hey - that one kinda hurt!



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Grandma Mary reminds us of what's coming.


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In the middle of labor - OUCH!


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Baby heart beat is the graph on top...
...bottom line measures contractions.


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Micci was very supportive, she just looks like she's sleeping.


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We're getting close!

I was asked to leave the room when Jacqui was getting her Epidural - so I wandered into the waiting room and captured some of the 'excitement' there....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


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Micci reads the baby's Horoscope


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Dad catches some zzz's


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My Mom was too excited to even sit down


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...the Champagne - waiting for the big moment.


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Girl talk supreme


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Julie and Ken arrive just in time


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After the epidural, Jacqui is all smiles.



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Here's your new baby girl !


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Just a few seconds old, and she is SO beautiful


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She had a little fluid in the lungs - so they took her to baby ICU


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...they let Jacqui hold her once more before she had to go


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Taking a ride in the ICU transport



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In the blue corner, weighing in at 7lbs and 2oz...Baby Lauren!


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Lauren holds my hand while the Dr. does her thing


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Do I look happy or what?!?!


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Grandma Mary is smitten.


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Lauren is released from the ICU and back in mama's arms



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Mary and Beck - all smiles


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Next to Beck - that is one tiny baby


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The two most beautiful women in the world


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