Lauren at 2+ months

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Yo Yo Baby!    Let's DANCE!

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Move 'dat  thang! 

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Awww YEAH  - you got it goin' on!!!

Blame Jacqui for that last set - I had nothing to do with it - Honest!  Man, you'd think she would respect her own daughter more than that - huh?  :-)   ...actually, when I walked into the room and saw her dressed up like that - I ran for my video camera!   Too funny.

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Precious Lauren takes an afternoon nap
....till the flash woke her up.      :-)

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But she was happy to see Daddy!


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...always interested in what I had to say.


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We discussed the finer things in life - and might even have an idea for world peace!



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Yes, we talked and talked....

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...and talked some more.


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But I wish she'd stop kicking me.

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OK - kick me all you want if it makes you happy.



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Lauren is wearing the tie-dye T-shirt that MIcci gave her.


Hey, forgive me for not posting any cute comments below - Im late for an appointment - and want to get this page up before I go.  I will try to add some when I post the next round (jeez - I'm several behind as it is....oh well)

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