Lauren ...almost 3 months old.
It seems that almost all I post on this
website are pictures of Lauren. ....and I couldn't be happier about it. :-)
Here she is....just a few random is June 8, 2001 and she will be 3
months old in two days.
Happy Happy
Me and Julie (the other Julie) enjoy some time
on the swing with Lauren
Three lovely ladies
Trying to bring a little variety to the
pictures - we roam around the yard.
Look - dad can roam around the yard too!
We think Julie (not the other Julie) has caught
the 'baby bug'
Jacqui's 'baby group' met at our house recently
It was wall-to-wall babies.
Here's little Lauren with her Grand dad 'Pere'
and Julie.
Lauren can sleep in anyone's arms
Grandma and Lauren have Matching outfits
Lauren isn't in this pic - but I had to sneak
it in.
I won Yard of the Month!