Lauren's Baptism.

We recently traveled to Louisiana to have Lauren christened.  It was a beautiful weekend, a wonderful ceremony, and Lauren was thrilled to see her Great-Grandparents and her Grandpa Pere. 

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Some of the stuff the Great-Grandparents had in their Lauren shrine.

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"God Bless Lauren"

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Julie helps Jacqui get Lauren ready

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She's ready!



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Everyone's ready - but we need MORE PICTURES!


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Jacqui, Lauren and I pose with the God-parents



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Both sets of Grandparents get in the picture



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Lauren was so happy to see her Great-Grandparents

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And she's always happy to see Aunt Julie.



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Hurry - get one more picture of us with the Great-Grandparents.


A montage of baptism pictures


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Bill lights the big candle.
(I'm sure the big candle has some 'official' name - anyone know?)

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I was happy that I did not drop Lauren .....
...although she did spit out her pacifier - right in the baptismal.


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The God-parents pose with Lauren again.


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Lauren is always so happy!

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Yes - we took a lot of pictures.

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In fact, we took SO MANY pictures....



071101_04.jpg (50003 bytes) appears I may have posted a duplicate or two. 
I really didn't - it may just look that way sometimes.
But, one thing's for sure - I'm running out of stuff to say.


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And here's Lauren with her God-Parents.....again.

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Father Miles poses with us and his parents.

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Dad makes a funny face - too bad Lauren is sleeping.

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AWWWWWWwwww - sleeping Lauren.



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Lauren and Pere discuss the market.



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Supply side economics is fascinating!



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...and that Alan Greenspan is a HOOT!


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Ahhhh - nothing beats a long nap after a busy weekend.

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