Lauren's 3rd Birthday
March 2004

OK, I'm nine months late getting these posted.  My only excuse - it's been a busy year.  We sold our house, moved, built a new house - oh, and had a baby. forgive me.

Anyway, we celebrated Lauren's birthday at Gymberee ...I think that's how you spell it. She enjoyed playing with her friends and family.

A Horsey ride - Weeeee!!!!

Those kids love to RUN.



Lauren's cousin Ryan enjoys the day.



Baby battles.


...more running.


...and even more running.


OK, let's take a break from running - and climb a ladder instead - Weeeee!!!


Going up!


"Look at me - I'm on the top!"





I'm not sure who had more fun.


Aunt Julie and Mimi try to keep Ryan out of trouble.





Happy Birthday Lauren!!!

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