As a sophomore, Lauren tried out again for the volleyball team. Like her freshman year, we were worried if she would be able to run the mile in time (under 8:00...or is it 7:00 minutes??) Anyway, they do it at midnight at the stadium - it's pretty exciting. Well, she was able to pull it off -and made the junior varsity HS volleyball team. She also attended a volleyball camp in Austin at the University of Texas (Hook 'em!). are some various pics of Lauren with her volleyball friends.
has been playing recreational soccer since he was FOUR years old. The past several
seasons he has followed coach Matt (who is awesome), and has managed to stay
with pretty much the same team. So yeah, they are the team to beat - and were
one game away from an undefeated season last year. Anyway - here's a few random
pictures from the 2016 seasons.
Soccer can get pretty rough sometimes