Jacqui and I drove to Dallas for the Texas Pinball Festival. I played a ton of games, met a bunch of friends, drank a bunch - had a blast!  Jacqui - not so much. But she's a trooper and I think she had fun despite herself.









Blake and I played this Black Knight a few times




I love the old tax stamps.
I've restored a few machines, and I always try to preserve the tax stamp.




Here's me and Blake chatting it up at the Pinside meet n greet.




Jacqui in the lower right corner




TigerLaw (Edwin), me and Blake



Jacqui is so excited to be at TPF!












Ladies and Gentlemen, the KING of Pinball - Mr. Steve Ritchie.
He designed the first pinball machine that hooked me on the hobby back in 1979 - Williams Flash.
He also designed some of my favorites from back in the day like Firepower (which I own) and Black Knight.
He is still cranking out classics today like AC/DC (which I also own) and Star Trek (which I just sold)



It was an honor and privilege to meet Steve Ritchie. He was super cool, and talked to Blake and I for a while.











This was my FIRST tournament. Well, if you don't count the Space City Pinball League (see below).



Phil has gone a great job organizing this league. I'm in my second season - it's SO MUCH FUN!




These are the Spooky Pinball company machines.
Blake is doing the design work for the Domino's game. Pretty Cool!




Look, but Don't Touch!



Ohhh, I touched it!







Ghostbusters was just released, and it was the 'big deal' at the show....



...as you can see.








Meanwhile, back in Houston



Here's a few pics I snagged off Facebook....














I've already booked my room for next year.



Send me email!