Everything on this page was taken at Stacy Black Photography. I should also say that, what you see here is not a good representation of the actual pictures - because the actual pictures are MUCH better!  If you're looking for a photographer, I'd highly recommend Stacy Black Photography.

You see, we just got the proofs, and haven't ordered our pictures yet.  So everything you're seeing here is a scan of the proof - then it was cropped and saved in such a way as to make the smallest file possible (for bandwidth reasons). Of course, that has an impact on the quality that you see.  ...so with that disclaimer out of the way - here ya go. 




Lauren got a tricycle for Xmas - it looks much newer than the one above.  Just this morning, she was figuring out that the pedals make it go forward.  It seems that everyday she learns something new.

I think this is a great picture, but Jacqui doesn't like it.
She says she looks psychotic.
hmmm, perhaps.

Have you ever seen a more beautiful group of women?

Merry Christmas - and drink Coca Cola!


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