Happy Birthday USA!  This was our first 4th of July in our new house.  Like many neighborhoods, we had a parade, and party at the pool. It was really neat seeing all the kids riding their red, white and blue decorated bikes.

Lauren is ready for the parade!

...and so are Jacqui, Austin and Mimi.


Awwww, even Austin is wearing red, white and blue.


Take my picture too!








OK, Lauren is tired of taking pictures now.




Look - it's Dash from 'The Incredible's!

...and Mr. Incredible himself!!
(It was a HOT day, and I bet the dude in that suit must have been miserable)

C'mon Dad - MOVE!    I want to go to the pool!



...do you have to take so many pictures?




Happy 4th of July Jacqui!

OK, I've rambled enough.  Enjoy the rest of these 'caption free' pictures.













Let me just finish out this page by saying "God Bless The USA!"   I feel so fortunate to live in such a great country, and have the blessings of such a wonderful family.

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