Another old Photo Album - 1979


This page begins with more randomness - a picture of our dog Chugger. Then ANOTHER SQUIRREL. After that, are a bunch of pics I took on the last day of 8th grade - Campbell Jr. High


Above, I think is Mary....something. Below is Daryl Lazouscus (sp?). The pic below Daryl shows Tracy Parker, Daryl again, and Tom Clemmens.

Can you believe they don't let kids play dodge-ball anymore? We LOVED IT!!!

The year-book signing party....and below that...Ray Butler (wow, how did I ever rember that one!)...sits with....hmmm....can't remember her to her is Scott Alt.

Above is Laura Milke - I had a crush on her too.


Doug Cox threatens to wipe black ink on the Teacher's nice white shirt. In the pic above that - yuou can see everyone cleaning out their lockers. Below, the kids are just playing a little friendly poker game. ...and no, that fight was not staged - it was real. Notice how the coach just watches and smiles.


Above, I see Dean Tuel (red hair).


Above, Scott Henry and I pose in my back yard....notice the pond before the pool was added (and stop looking at my skinny legs!) Below, a couple more pics from shop class - where I can see my old plexi-glass guitar stand that I made.


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