Summer 2008

Here are a TON of pictures taken in the summer of 2008. Most of these were taken towards the end of May / beginning of June. There are a lot of pics on this page, so I strongly recommend that you grab a cold beer, relax, pretend you are by the pool, and enjoy!

These first set of pics were taken at Nana and Pops house. I think this was one of the 1st times we swam this summer. Usually, their pool is a bit cold - but at this time of the year - it was surprisingly nice.


Austin looks like he's ready to swim.



Looks like the kids got to visit the local fire department!



C'mon Austin - SMILE!!!



Austin and I enjoy the pool with Nana










Family photo!


The next couple pics were taken on father's day (June 15). We celebrated at Bill & Ilonka's house


The two Bills enjoy some couch time...



...while Lauren and Trey enjoy the pool.


The next few pics were taken in my office. I recently converted one wall into a Pachinko parlor.   I know, I'm a geek.







And now, a TON of pics taken at Laura and Walter's. They really did an awesome job fixing up their back yard, and we are grateful to have them as friends and neighbors.


The boys monitor the BBQ.



Austin and Lauren enjoy the pool.



I managed to sneak into this pic




Of course, I'm more than happy to take one of the girls.



Sometimes it gets a bit crazy in the pool.



Phew - I need a break!





Looks like mommy grew some antlers!







Laura has perfected her relaxation technique.







The Scanlan Oaks Elementary school PTA put on an auction to raise funds for the school. Laura and Walter won a trolley party - and invited all of us to join. The trolley picked us up, and then we headed to Post Oak grill (on Highway 6) for some tasty appetizers. Then, it was off to Lou's Back Porch bar for more drinks, and a couple games of pool.


The trolley came right to our house....



Hurry up Jacqui!!



The girls are ready to party~!




Paige and Win get organized



We are on the road - crack open the drinks!











































Jacqui, Amy, Moni and ???? (Eddie's wife) helped Regina celebrate her birthday. They went to the movies to see 'Sex and The City', then to Cafe Adobe for lunch, and then to a bar in the Heights for a few drinks.





OK - we are almost done. This is the next to last set - and shows our usual routine of blocking off the cul-de-sac and letting the kids (and adults) play in the street. Unfortunately, this time we were having a 'going away party' for Win and Paige. ...they are now in jolly ol' England.


Lauren and Maggie are SO CUTE!



...awwww, Lauren and Paige are cute too!



This is a great pic of the moms and their daughters.





This kids are ready to ride!!






No, I don't plan to move from this spot if I can help it.



Lauren is so proud of her new big bike!






Lauren and Jacquelyn smile big for the camera.



The girls of the cul-de-sac.




Everyone enjoyed the party.




And finally, if you made it this far - THANKS! These last few pics were taken at my 25th High School reunion. It was held at the Magnolia Hotel in downtown Houston, and was VERY nice. I hadn't attended the 10th or 20th reunion - so this was my first time to see most of these folks in 25 years.!

I didn't take as many pics as I should - some folks I saw that I didn't get pics of were: Jim Dick(son), Rob Phillips, Jim Pietri...and a few more...



Jacqui and I are dressed and ready to go.



Joe Dryer hasn't changed AT ALL....



We enjoy a smoke break on the rooftop terrace.



Tracy Parker was my 1st date...
My mom dropped us off at the movies...
...I'm thinking it was in Junior High...


PHEW - that was a LOT of pictures. ....well, it was a full summer of fun!!


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