Summer 2008 - part 2


I had a few more pictures that I wanted to post from the summer of 2008 - July through August. So without further adieu - here they are.

Getting ready to ride our bikes to the 4th of July firework show.



Jacqui and Alicia have their glow sticks ready.


OK - Let's GO!


Austin and Logan play before the show.


...waiting for the fireworks.










Here are a few pictures from our summer landscaping project. Now that the day-care behind us has been finished, it was time to fill in that part of our yard with a few plants.


Lauren points to the 'project area'


After marking the beds - it was time to till the grass.


It was backbreaking work....



...almost done with the tiller.



OK, now it's time to dump in some soil.


In total, we spread 5 yards of soil and three yards of mulch.


Load 'er up!



Jacqui was a HUGE help!





Planting the larger plants



Watering the plants before spreading the mulch.



Taking a break from the summer heat...




Finished! ...well, we added a few more plants - but it's 90% done.



In just a few short years, it will fill in like these did.







These next pics were taken at a birthday party for one of Austin's friend's. Actually, this is Austin's 'girlfriend' Kylee - hehehehehe. I didn't go to the party - but Jacqui told me that Kylee followed Austin around like a lost puppy. Awwwwww, puppy love - so cute!!
































Back home - recovering from the party.


The summer comes to a close, as Lauren goes back to school - 2nd grade!!!, she's really growing up FAST!!!



Lauren and Austin ride together on the 1st day of 2nd grade.



Nana holds Austin's hand, and Lauren is too busy to wait for pictures.



...going into class..



Lauren's teacher hands her some paperwork, and with that - the summer is officially over.


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