Thanksgiving 2008
For me, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season. I think everyone should take the entire month of December as vacation. Oh well, I guess that will never happen. Anyway, this year we enjoyed the traditional Thanksgiving dinner at my folks house. But, before dinner, we paid a visit to my Aunt Mary and Uncle Dave's house.
Mom, Joe,
Jacqui and Pat.
Dad, Mom, Joe, Pat and me.
Robert, Mary, David, Pat and Colleen
Lauren and Colleen are the 'cute girls' of the group.
Austin and Blake squish Trey
Lauren wanted to help too, but Trey could hardly breath already.
The Berryman Clan (minus Austin and Blake)
After visiting the relatives, it was time to eat!
Jacqui and Julie go out for drinks the Friday night after Thanksgiving.
These pics were taken late Friday (does Jacqui look a bit tipsy?)
Austin certainly looks tired.
But of course, Lauren is wide awake.
Two of the most beautiful girls in the world!