Here is a smorgasbord of various pictures taken over the 2003 holi-daze.  I should have a few more to add to this page, once the wife gets back from her trip to the in-laws (she took the camera with her - and it has all our X-mas pictures on it).


Pops and Lauren help Trey to open his presents.

Kissing cousins.     
(Perhaps we shouldn't encourage this behavior)


Wow - look what Lauren got!



That present is HUGE!


Everyone enjoyed driving the boat - especially the big boys.


At the family Christmas party - this was one of many attempts to get a picture of all the kids.


Another attempt....and the best of the bunch.


Pam and her new fiancé were voted "most attractive couple"

More melee from the family Christmas party.







Somehow, Brian and Gretchen manage to stay out of trouble.



David, Jennifer and John supervise the kids.


Enjoying a Holiday beer.


Immediately after our Family Xmas party, Jacqui and I met up with these clowns.


That's me, behind the girl in green - waiting in line at the bar. a small Louisiana town...Julie visits with Papa.


Julie put together this nice collage of Xmas pictures - thanks Julie!

Baby Ryan sleeps through yet another family picture. ...lucky kid.


Merry Christmas ladies!


Look - he's awake!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

EDIT: Click HERE for page 2 - yes MORE exciting Holiday pictures - just added on 01/07/04


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