...8th song - Disposition. A very relaxing part of the concert. I remember a feeling of warmth coming from the audience, and also a quiet sense of anticipation - broken by the occasional yell.

Today is November 28, 2001 - exactly one month from the concert. It's taken me that long to post all this. During that month my PC has crashed probably 50 times, I've had all kinds of trouble with my video capture software - and I won't begin to tell you my ISP troubles (RoadRunner sux). But the funny thing is - and this sounds strange - I do it for fun. No, dealing with all those problems isn't fun - but reliving the concert sure is. Plus, I've received many nice emails from other TOOL fans - also happy to relive their concert experiences. Good stuff all around.

There are no movies on this page - but I hope you're enjoying the audio. Honestly, I didn't really get any good video during this song. Between the security and the people walking in front of me - I was lucky to get any. What you see here are 'out-takes' - pictures from other songs I didn't post anywhere else - so here ya go - enjoy!



Click HERE to see the 9th song - 'Reflection'

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