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Summer 2012 - Lauren's Perspective

Lauren got a new camera - and it's AWESOME! It looks like a small point and shoot, but it does HD video and IT'S WATERPROOF UP TO 15 FEET!  She's been using it a lot - so here's an entire page devoted to her pics and vids.



It really does work underwater!












CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #1 - Lauren jumps in the pool














CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #2 - Lauren goes down the slide



Here's a view from the Grotto.




Happy wife - happy life.





Grace is happy too! (but not from the wine, promise)




Lauren took a trip to San Diego with Julie and Kenn, as you can see in these next few pics.

















































Nice place for a nap.






This lion was right up against the glass.



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Lauren in San Diego































CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #4 - Lauren and Austin fight










Austin's Room is COOL!



Pool view from the balcony on a rainy day






Austin pushed me!!



So I got him next time.



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #5 - Lauren and I play in the pool








CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #6 - Lauren and Austin play in the pool













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