Picture Index
Pinball and misc Cool Stuff
Concert Archive




My Pinball Machines

1979 Williams Flash (my 1st pinball machine- sold)

The restoration of a 1976 Bally Black Jack (my 2nd pinball - sold)

1986 Williams High Speed (3rd pinball - sold)

1979 Bally Paragon (4th pinball)

1980 Williams Firepower (5th pinball)

2001 Stern Monopoly (6th pinball - sold)

2010 Stern Avatar (7th pinball - sold)

The restoration of a 1979 Gottlieb Genie (my 8th pinball - sold)

The restoration of a 1978 Bally Lost World (my 9th pinball - sold)

2012 Stern AC/DC Premium (10th pinball - sold)

The restoration of a 1979 WIlliams Flash (11th)

2014 Stern Star Trek Premium (12th - sold)

The restoration of a 1980 Bally Xenon (13th - sold)

2013 Stern Metallica Premium (14th - sold)

2016 Stern Ghostbusters Pro (15th - sold)

2017 Heighway Pinball Alien (16th pinball - sold)

The restoration of a 1979 Gottlieb Genie (17th pinball)

The restoration of a 1980 Williams Black Knight (18th pinball)

2018 Sten Iron Maiden (my 19th pinball machine - sold)

1982 Gottlieb Haunted House (my 20th pinball machine - sold)



Ski Movies


My 1st GoPro Movie: Kenn and I ski the slopes of Breckenridge

My 2nd GoPro Movie: I ski the slopes of Breckenridge with Kenn, Julie and Ron




My Family Tree:
My father has spent years documenting our ancesters. He compiled all this this information in a very user-friendly way, burned it to CD, and gave it to everyone as a Christmas gift last year (2007). I have put this info on-line, and hope to add more content over time. It all starts with the first ancestor to come to this country. He served as an officer in the time of Charles 1st, King of Great Britain. After Charles 1st was overthrown and put to death by Oliver Cromwell, he settled in Westmoreland Co. Va. around 1657.


A Photo Album from my Mom:
As a Christmas gift, my mother gave me a photo album that she put together with lots of old pictures, and a few new ones as well. It was a great gift, and I was really happy to get it. So happy, that I decided to scan it - and put it on-line for all to see. The last page contains recent pics of my kids, so that one is password protected.


My archived QUAKE page. With 2 kids, my hard-core gaming days are gone.





Here's a link to my ENTIRE CONCERT ARCHIVE - TONS of concert pics and video


Tool played at the Cynthia Woods Pavillian - October 28, 2001.
I got video of the concert
I also have video of the 07-26-02 and 07-27-02 shows
and some pictures from the 11-15-02 show

I love TOOL - you should buy all their CD's



Over the past few years I've developed an interest in collecting and restoring old military surplus rifles and pistols.
I find it facinating to hold a piece of history in my hands, and I've learned a lot about various countries i probably wouldn't have otherwise.
It's neat to get an old cosmoline covered rifle, then carefully dissasemble, clean, inspect, repair if needed - then take it to the range and shoot it.