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I was 15 years old in 1980 when Firepower hit the arcades. To this day, I can clearly remember the first time I got multi-ball. My first multi-ball - EVER!! ...back in the arcade days, I played Firepower more than any other game.

Anyway, since I recently started collecting pinball machines, I knew I had to find one. I've had my eyes open watching e-bay and Craig's List, and finally saw an ad for one. Get this - the seller lived across the street from some storage units, and someone just left it outside the unit with a 'free - take me' sign posted on it. OMG - what a lucky dude! After a little back and forth, we settled on $650. I was happy with that. Sure, it didn't boot up - but for the most part the machine was in pretty good shape - especially when compared to most I've seen.

Home in the garage - ready for restoration.


Not bad!




This is the worst spot - easy to fix.


I like the original instruction card. ....



Only one small spot of wear on the right most red 'ray'



All the plastics were in great shape.




Really, the biggest issue is the inserts. Some are raised, and others are cupped.







Here's the wear spot - caused by the ball hitting that spot after bouncing off a raised insert.














I'm sure the ball would get some action going over this ramp!




...and this one too.





All the boards were clean - you could tell someone repaired it at least once before.






Hmmm, is something missing here? (actually no - just moved in a previous repair)

















The backglass is in really good shape as well - some small scratches, but still maybe an 8 out of 10.




It's Alive~!~!


Notice the lights in these next few pics. These are the only pics I took before replacing them with LED's








And here's the (almost) finished product in our game room I played around with some of the LED's after these pics were taken...just a few minor tweaks.

CLICK HERE to see a video of me trying to play with one hand.
























Wow - it's so....clean! ...and bright!
I've been having a BLAST playing it.




Austin loves it too.



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