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Lauren Volleyball and Austin Soccer

Jacqui and I are so proud of our kids. Seriously, I could gush on and on about their accomplishments, but that's not what this page is for...well....sorta...

Lauren is a freshmen at Ridge Point High School. To qualify for the volleyball team try-outs, you had to run a mile in under 8.5 minutes. It was pretty exciting. We weren't sure Lauren could do it. The run took place at midnight at the school track. The stands were full of parents and supportive friends all cheering them on. ...fun stuff. Not only did she make the team, but after a while she was moved up from the Freshman to the Jr Varsity team. Go Lauren!!



CLICK HERE to see Movie #1 - Lauren plays Volleyball

CLICK HERE to see Movie #2 - Lauren plays Volleyball

CLICK HERE to see Movie #3 - Lauren plays Volleyball


CLICK HERE to see Movie #13 - Lauren plays Volleyball

CLICK HERE to see Movie #14 - Lauren plays Volleyball


While Lauren was doing her thing on the volleyball court, Austin was TEARING IT UP on the soccer fields. His spring league did GREAT, and his fall league was UNDEFEATED!!








CLICK HERE to see Movie #4 - Austin plays Soccer

CLICK HERE to see Movie #5 - Austin plays Soccer

CLICK HERE to see Movie #6 - Austin plays Soccer

CLICK HERE to see Movie #7 - Austin plays Soccer

CLICK HERE to see Movie #8 - Austin plays Soccer

CLICK HERE to see Movie #9 - Austin plays Soccer

CLICK HERE to see Movie #10 - Austin plays Soccer

CLICK HERE to see Movie #11 - Austin plays Soccer

CLICK HERE to see Movie #12 - Austin plays Soccer



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