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Misc 2017 - part 2


Here's a miscellaneous hodge-podge of things that happened in the 2nd half of 2017 - Enjoy~!


To be fair, this picture was taken early in 2017, and Austin did have a growth spurt this year.




Jacqui with her Dad




I'm at the Bayou Rifle Steel Plate Challenge
I snagged that pic from the event Facebook page



Bella and Lauren enjoy some paddle boarding...somewhere off the south Beltway??




Jacqui, Kathy, and a couple other co-workers I can't remember right now.





Mmmmm, Austin's got a chocolate shake from Chick Fil A~!




Oh - this is Lauren's new boyfriend, Clark. You will see him a lot in these pics...





Austin at Evan's birthday party.




This looks like so much fun - I wanna go~!




Lauren takes Mimi for a ride in her new Jeep






OK, let's hold up here and talk for just a bit. That's right - me and you.

Let me ask you a question - you got kids? Yes? Well, then you know it's tough to see them grow up so fast.

If you don't have kids you may not appreciate how fast it seems your kids go from being cute little babies and sweet little kids, into TEENAGERS~!

Yeah, I said it...that dreaded word.

Well .....

I guess I've stalled enough.

Here are a bunch of pictures from Lauren's homecoming.







Grace, Lauren and Bella













































Lemme just drop this right here.
Don't get any thoughts about my daughter
...ok, I'm kidding (kinda)



Did I mention that Austin turned 13 this year? Yep...my little man is a TEENAGER too~!







Both Lauren's are members of the Science National Honor Society - WooHoo!






...while the kids were off doing their thing, me and 'the poochie' Paris would sometimes just relax, and enjoy a sunset together.






Did I mention that Lauren has a new boyfriend?
Clark, his name is Clark.
I messed up the other day and called him by Lauren's old boyfriends name....so embarrassing.




Over the holidays, we hit the range a few times.
Here we see Lauren shoot Clark's grandfathers rifle


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #1 - Lauren Shoots~!
Click here to download the file




OH YEAH, IT SNOWED IN 2017~!~!~!



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #2 - Snow in Houston~!
Click here to download the file




Well, not much snow - but enough to give a decent dusting.



OHhhhh, some snow on the roof




...and look - it stuck to the benches.




Just a bit more and it would have been really pretty








Austin was mad he didn't get to stay home from school.
But seriously, after all the flooding from Harvey - this was nothing.


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Austin throws snowballs~!
Click here to download the file


Just enough here to make a snowball to throw at mean old dad.


Lauren's early Christmas, and birthday..and maybe next Christmas present - a lift kit and new wheels/tires for the Jeep.
Daddy approves.





My new flood evacuation vehicle




Well, sure - we let her think it's her Jeep




OH yeah - looking good!




Lauren says "enough pictures - good-bye!"
See ya next year~!



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