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Miscellaneous Stuff from 2018


It seems most every time I sit down to make an update here, I'm always lamenting about the passage of time - how it's going by SO FAST, and my kids are growing up so quickly. This time is no different. The summer of 2018 has just ended, and the kids are back in school. This is Lauren's senior year in high school, and Austin is in 8th grade. Have I mentioned lately how proud I am of my kids? How did I get so lucky to have such great kids? I am blessed. ...oh, and I've got a wonderful wife too (just in case she's reading this).

So here we have a random sample of pictures taken during the first eight months of 2018. Well, actually this first group was taken at the very end of 2017. We hired a professional photographer to take pictures for our 2017 Christmas card.


These pictures were taken at the end of 2017




















Austin has grown A LOT in the 10 months or so since these were taken.




In January of 2018, United Airlines moved into a new building at 609 Main in downtown Houston.
My car has a reserved spot, but I do not.



Just a couple decent looking cars parked near me




Our official "move in" day was frozen out by the ice storm in Jan 2018.



Here is an example of my open cube environment.
It's open seating - so just grab a cube and enjoy!
I hate it.

My first job out of college I had a GREAT office in the Esperson Building with a window I could open that overlooked Rusk street.
I moved from there to a pretty nice office in what is now the Wells Fargo building on Louisiana, then I had a decent office at the bank on Waugh and West Grey.
From there I had a pretty decent office in the AGC building off Allen Parkway.
Then we went to cubes at the Smith Building...at least we had some privacy.
Now, I don't even have my own desk - I share a PC keyboard and mouse with whoever was using it yesterday.
...it's been a steady decline as far as office accommodations are concerned.
I'm working to fix that.




This is Lauren's new Jeep!
Her other Jeep was stolen from the First Colony Mall
Thankfully, our insurance came through for us, and we were able to find a VERY nice replacement
In fact, I think this jeep is a bit nicer than the one that was stolen.



Notice the club
If Lauren fails to put that on, I take her phone.
So far so good!





It's a fine ride!





...and this happened.
Lauren is in the top 4% of her class - so she can pretty much go to the college of her choice
Jacqui made her tour A&M
I say Hook 'em!



Since we installed the TV outside, we have spent more time in the pool this year than any other.
Of course, Paris LOVES to be outside with us.



At sunset we sometimes let Paris run on the golf course








Now we're talking!

Yes, Lauren also took a tour of the UT campus this summer



Lauren and Clark at the mural on the Drag



Getting ready for the official tour






If all goes as planned, Lauren will be a freshman at UT next year.



Tex-Mex lunch after the UT tour





Jacqui and I used to hang out here back in the 90's
It's still going strong - just like the margaritas!



Speaking of parties - this one was a BLAST!!!

...no kidding!




LANGUAGE WARNING!!      I was a bit tipsy, and was not expecting such a HUGE explosion - so I let a few F bombs fly.   ..ok, maybe more than a few.

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #1 - John almost blows up his entire house!!

click here to download the file

LANGUAGE WARNING!!      I was a bit tipsy, and was not expecting such a HUGE explosion - so I let a few F bombs fly.   ..ok, maybe more than a few.




It's all fun and games 'till someone gets hurt.






A quick trip to Benihana - taken in May 2018
(but not Lauren's B-day?? hmmm...)




This year would have been the 50th year of Astroworld, which opened on June 1, 1968

To mark the anniversary, Channel 2 did a nice story - and they used some of my pictures and interviewed me!


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #2 - I am interviewed for Channel 2's story about Astroworld~!

click here to download the file





Here's what $200 of fireworks looks like (minus a few small things)
We had a BLAST for the 4th!!




...and these were taken just 11 days ago.
Bill invited Austin and I to the Astros game on Aug 11.



We had 1st row club level seats - woohoo!



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Austin, Eric, Bill and I enjoy an Astros game!

click here to download the file


Yep, Austin grew a lot this is year




We had a GREAT Summer 2018!!



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