Austin's 9th Birthday
My favorite little man in the whole world turned 9 years old this year. Like me, Austin's birthday is in December - so it can get overshadowed in the Christmas frenzy. This year, Austin's big present was a new bike. He had been ridging the very same bike he used to learn on - the one that used to have training wheels. It was so small, he had to peddle super fast to keep up with his friends - so he was overdue for an upgrade.
new bike!!
I had a hard time getting a decent picture with Austin and Lauren.
I guess this is the best they could do.... Lauren is always so happy to take
pictures with ther brother.
Make a wish!
CLICK HERE to see Video #1 - This was taken at Laser Zone
We also had cake and ice cream at Nana and Pops house...
CLICK HERE to see Video #2 - this was taken at our house with Mimi, Papa, Gracie, Ryan, etc.
CLICK HERE to see Video #3 - taken at Nana and Pops house
CLICK HERE to see Video #4 - taken at our house with just us.
Happy 9th Birthday Austin!!!!