Austin plays
soccer yet again - 2018
Austin has been playing soccer since he was four years old. This year, he decided he wanted to take a break since there wasn't a recreational league available for his age group. Well, that all changed when 'Coach Matt' decided to keep the Footies together for one more season. He contacted the 'Rise' league, and let them know he could field a team. And sure enough, when the kids heard they could play with Coach Matt again - everyone signed up. The season was supposed to be much harder, as these were 'select' teams - but the Footies (Footy McFootfaces) had a GREAT season - only loosing one game. And yes, that was the one game Austin missed. Coincidence? ....maybe. Anyway, I should have taken pictures throughout, but instead only managed to get a few (somewhat crappy) pictures at the last game of the season.
Thank goodness the kids have numbered
jerseys this season - Austin is number 22
Austin on the right running..
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #1 - Austin plays soccer
click here to download the file
Austin on the left
(these pictures are so bad you can't see who is who)
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #2 - Austin plays soccer
click here to download the file
There he is!
This is probably the best shot I got all day.
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Austin plays soccer
click here to download the file
It's a standoff.
Yeah, I am taking your picture.
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #4 - Austin plays soccer
click here to download the file
Austin really has grown this year
Austin really did enjoy playing
soccer this season