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Austin's 6th Birthday

Sometimes, it seems like all Austin thinks about is Dinosaurs. I guess that's pretty normal for boys his age. So I thought it was really cool when Jacqui booked his 6th birthday party at the Sugarland Museum of Natural Science. They have a dinosaur themed party that was PERFECT for Austin.

...but before the big party, we opened our gifts at the house.


CLICK HERE to see Austin open his gifts (movie #1)





CLICK HERE to see more video of Austin opening his gifts (movie #2)




Ryan, Aiden and Austin goof off in front of the T-Rex



























Now that everyone is here - it's time for the guided tour.






Learning about dinosaurs is COOL.






Hello Austin~!







The museum had this great 'dig pit' for the kids - where they would find and dig up dinosaur bones. No, it wasn't real dirt - it was recycled tires. ...but it didn't matter to the kids - they had a BLAST. Honestly, I'm amazed that nobody got tire shreds thrown in their eyes....but the kids were really good.



Austin picks his spot.....





...and LOOK - dinosaur bones!!!


CLICK HERE to see the kids dig for dinosaur bones (movie #3)




















Of course, Kylie and Austin were never too far apart.











Time for cake!





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