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Double B Ranch - May 23rd through Dec 31 2020


Here's another long update with tons of pics and vids from the Double B Ranch.  Most of these were taken between May and December of 2020 with the exception of these first few which are earlier, and from a game trail camera I set up on the fence of the house. I think it's pretty amazing how much wildlife wanders by the old Cobb house. ...as I said, this is a long update -  so grab a cold one, sit back and enjoy!  



This was taken back in Dec of 2019 - but I never pulled these pictures from the trail cam - so I'm posting them now.
Plus, I don't have that many of my kids at the ranch - so here ya go. Howdy Austin!




Another from back in DEC 2019 - the whole family cruzin' in the Polaris




This was taken from a trail cam I set up to monitor construction of the barn.
You are looking at the dirt pad they had to create before pouring the slab.
And yeah, a few bucks stopped by to see what was going on.

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #1 - A time lapse video of the barn construction!


All of the following pics were taken from a trail cam I set up on the corner of the Cobb house fence. I love to see the variety of wildlife.


Some doe in the early morning sunlight




Springtime flowers




BTW - the date stamps are wrong in these pics - most were taken in spring/summer 2020







Super cute baby fawn with mama




A fat man mows the yard







Another fawn and doe



So Cute!




There's that fat man again




And a few buck stop by as well


Weekend of May 23rd: Jacqui and I paint, install contact paper on counters and other misc indoor chores.



Jacqui painted the kitchen, and got creative with some white marble contact paper


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #2 - Paris chases some deer - and Jacqui makes an appearance at the end

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Jacqui shows the house for Lauren



And we made some progress in the guest bathroom



May 28th through June 1st: Paris and I relax, take pictures of the sunset - and we also brought up carpets and installed under-cabinet lighting in kitchen.


Such beautiful sunsets out there.
And no, I did not alter or enhance the colors in these pictures.
What you see is what I saw - just not near as impressive as real life.




Paris keeps me company at the barn




New rugs for the ranch!





Looking good!




Notice the (one) recessed light under the kitchen sink?



Paris is always looking for the next deer to chase




Ready for some more sunset pictures?




When I'm at the ranch alone, I always end up taking more pictures.
In part because - why not? But also because I enjoy showing Jacqui when I get home.




The sun sets over what's left of the old sheep barn



God Bless Texas!



June 19th through 21st: Bill and I went in together and rented a rock saw for the weekend. I spent one day cutting trenches for water/electrical and internet to the barn, and Bill used it the next day for a project at his ranch.






Mmmmmmm, steaks!!



The massive Rock saw. As huge as it looks, it still took a few hours to cut through some solid rock.




June 25th - 27th: I laid the PVC pipe from pump to barn, and also the Cat5 from router to barn. I also fixed a clogged faucet in guest bath, installed lights in both bathrooms and more under cabinet lighting in kitchen. I also moved the old and very heavy desk to the trash pile.


This is where the electrical service will come in and go to the barn



A pretty picture from 'the high spot' of the ranch.



Another Beautiful Texas sunset



See that desk? It's super heavy.  ...and the glass top was stuck down solid., so it was a chore getting it out of the house.




When the dog(s) aren't with me, I see lots of deer



Well yes, I did put out some feed for them



Guest bathroom lights!



And another recessed light under the sink looks better than just one.



And main bathroom lights too!




The heavy desk is gone, and everything is starting to look nice and clean.





Oh yeah, at some point Jacqui bought more sections for this couch








Weekend of July 4th: Rented trailer and hauled up two pinball machines that were at Kenn & Julie's





July 11 - 13th: I wasn't really happy with the water pressure in the house, so I bought and installed an upgraded pump, and used the older one for water to the barn. I also made a backboard for darts, and fixed/weatherproofed the Cobb House attic door. And finally, I made a protective box for both water pumps. Oh, and it was ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT degrees outside while I was doing all that. Yeah, I had to take lots of breaks and drink lots of water - and even then I was cramping up and feeling a bit dizzy occasionally.



The upgraded pump is on the left. I was pretty proud of my plumbing skills.




WooHoo - I have water at the barn now!!



Check out the fancy backboard!



This is the only entrance to the attic.
That little door didn't seal against anything, and wasn't doing a good job holding out the rain.



So I had to get up there and fix it.
Yeah, I probably should have waited for the weather to cool down a bit first.



Here's the box I built to protect the pumps



Almost done...
I'd have finished ...except...



...it was so damn HOT!!!



July 27 - 30: On this trip I finished the box for the water pumps, put old fence pickets around the cistern, and installed updated electrical outlets and toilet paper and towel holders. Oh, and there's also this story about the rattlesnake. When I first got there I was walking around the house, and saw a pretty big rattlesnake in the yard. I took out my side arm, and fired a couple shots - the snake took off - I fired some more - thought for sure I'd hit it, but it slithered under the house. I was PISSED that I hadn't killed it before it went under there. The more I thought about it (and I couldn't stop thinking about it) the more I thought for sure I'd got it, and if I just pulled away the tin from the sides of the house I'd find him dead under there. So the next day that's what I did. I pulled away the tin - and he was nowhere to be found. HOWEVER, with the tin removed I saw that the plumbers didn't finish the job, and our kitchen sink was draining directly under the guest bedroom. YIKES! No wonder we had critters under the house - they had shade and water! So, while keeping an eye out for that snake, I crawled under the house and fixed the plumbing. In the end, I'm glad I didn't get that snake as he showed me I had a bigger problem to deal with.




Here's the cistern before the pickets were installed. I also had to use the Polaris and wench to haul away that heavy gate.







It's a buck party!





Pump box is finished





You see a rattlesnake under there?
Nope, me neither.




But damn, look at that - it's the drain from the sink pouring out right under the guest bedroom.
I had to reconnect that, plus cut and cap the pipe going off to the left



Another relaxing morning watching the deer.









Our neighbors were throwing away all those old pickets - so we salvaged 'em and put 'em to good use here.





Look at all those goats!!

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #4 - There must be 100 goats - and they are hungry!!





The ranch across the road has some cattle that occasionally like to visit my front gate



August 14-15: With the exception of my buddy Blake (back in late 2019), we had our first guests to the ranch. After joining them in San Marcos at a place they rented, Kenn, Julie, Grace and Ryan joined us at the ranch for a couple days. It was so hot we really didn't do that much, and unfortunately I only took one picture that weekend...so here it is. As for projects, Julie had us build shutters for the windows next to the fireplace to help keep the sun out. We also took a tour of David's ranch with my brother (where this picture was taken).




August 24 - 27: On this trip I hinged the front porch shutters, replaced more electrical outlets, started making the picnic table, restocked deer feed and painted shutters. It was a busy weekend. But what I remember most was seeing the 'truck stop diner' being demolished. NOOOO! That place was like stepping back in time. Not only was it only the closest place to the ranch, they also had the BEST breakfast and friendliest service anywhere.



Say it isn't so!! Good bye 'ol truck stop diner.



...was so sad to see this....


...Here's a picture of the old diner when it was 'take out only' during the Covid BS.
I'm gonna miss that old place.




Another pretty sunset at the front gate



...and a few more bucks for good measure.







This picture was taken from the bedroom window (which needs to be cleaned)




Some nice looking bucks out there!





Putting hinges on the shutters





Yeah, I'll need to paint those.





Starting the picnic table.
I used all the 100+ year old wood from the Cobb House, and that's wallpaper I'm trying to scrape off.





The boards look great after they are cleaned, sanded and rubbed with linseed oil





Shutters have been painted









September 10 - 13: When me and Paris arrived this time and were settling in for the night, I saw this skunk not far from the house. I didn't want her to get sprayed, so I just let it be. Well, early the next morning I saw it again, so grabbed the AR and snuck up as close as I could. BOOM - gotcha! This marks my first 'kill' at the ranch. It was also a productive weekend as I finished the picnic table, cleaned the barn, restocked the feeders, got an old feeder from Bill and set it up in the Cobb pasture, trimmed some trees and started on the picnic benches.








Nasty ol' skunk





Working on the picnic table



I made a frame to measure the legs





Notched 'em with my table saw




Getting closer




BOOM - let's flip it over now...










I'm pretty proud of this table.
I later installed wheels on one side so I could pick up the other end and roll it around





..and then I cleaned up a bit




That old tattered flag was hanging in the Cobb House when we purchased the property





Bill and I eat Tex-Mex at the Harper Tex-Mex place.
You don't see a lot of masks out there





When I was filling a feeder, this deer thought it was dinner time and wasn't worried about me being there.


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #5 - Bill almost burned up his ranch!

Bill had a burn pile that, despite not even smoking for a couple days, reignighted and spread to the road.

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #6 - Another view of Bills burn


My truck in the Cobb pasture with Bill's old deer feeder in the back.




Starting on the picnic benches



..and here's where I left off for this trip.



September 24 - 26: Jacqui and Austin joined me on this trip, and for the most part we just relaxed and enjoyed being up there.


Paris enjoys the afternoon sun.
This was her last trip to the ranch 'alone' as we picked up Reese Puppy when we got home







Austin taking out some water bottles across the creek with the .308.




And shooting some .223 at closer targets with the red dot.





Just kickin' back and enjoying the evening



October 14 - 16: After a relaxing visit where I didn't do much, I was back in full swing for this trip. I dug a trench through the yard to the house for the CAT5, drilled a hole in the barn and installed the router and Ring Camera. I also started working on a headboard for the master bedroom, used wood filler to fill all the nail holes and imperfections in the master bath, and trimmed some oaks. It was also my first time in the deer blinds - which was really exciting and rewarding for me. And finally I had the propane tank refilled, and a leak fixed (that the same plumber that screwed up the sink drain messed up).




The headboard is coming together



My very first time in my deer blinds!!!





Here they come!




Lots of deer around the feeder





And a pretty sunset as well - it don't get much better





What a great day!!!




Next morning it was time to install the headboard.










It looks good now that I've filled all the nail holes/cracks/crevasses.





Another beautiful sunny day at the Double B Ranch!!



And another beautiful sunset in the deer blind





November 4 - 8: Sometimes you have a plan on what you'd like to do, but when you get there those plans change. That's what happened this trip. When I arrived, the float valve on both the cistern and deer trough were broken, and my well pump was running non stop pouring water down like a creek. After fixing that I also made the last two picnic benches, started headboards for the back bedroom and insulated all the pipes.




Yes, Paris likes to ride sitting up in the front seat just like a person.




No, the water is not supposed to flow out of the trough and down the hill.




Such a mess, and of course the dogs had to play in it.






Now that my water problems are fixed, it's time to finish these benches





Reese likes to supervise





GOOD NEWS! They are rebuilding ..something.. at the old truck stop.
I hope it's a full service resteraunt and not some fast food place.



Benches are DONE



Ohhhh Yeah!





Now it's time to start on some headboards for the back bedroom




Lookin' good!





Taking a long walk with the dogs and enjoying some fall colors on the trees.



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #7 - Paris confronts the cows!











There's a lot of sanding ahead of me here.



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #8 - Paris and Reese play at the barn


More fall colors at the Toby Creek





...and Paris killed her second armadillo.



November 18 - 23: I made another trip up just before Thanksgiving with Jacqui, Austin and my mom. My main goal for this trip was to have my brother sit in the blind with me while I took my first deer. Not only because I wanted to be sure that I handled the license and all that properly, but I also wanted someone more experienced to be there for my first time. In addition to that, I also finished and installed the guest bedroom headboards and did some 200 yard shooting with Austin.



Pretty Pooch's!!





That's Reese
As she's gotten older it's even harder to tell them apart.


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #9 - Paris and Reese play on the porch




Headboards - TaaDaa!






Paris enjoys another sunset





This is the 200 yard target we shoot from the barn





I paint it white so you can easily see the impact




It's hardly a pixel big in this picture, but...
...from the barn, the 200 yard target is between the two power poles - just to the left of the big Juniper bush.




My mom is taking a pic of Bill and I before we go out for my 1st deer, and out the corner of my eye I see him raising up on his tippy toes.
Classic! He used to do this in our family photos - and I KNEW I was taller than him, but yet somehow each year...
'till we finally found the secret. So of course - there we are - both on our tippy toes trying to look taller.
Love ya Bro!



And there she is. My 1st deer. If my cheeks look a bit red - that's the tradition. My brother 'bloodied' them.
I don't take it lightly - taking a life. My goal for my property is to harvest the older doe and spikes, and let the others flourish.
And let me tell ya - the processor we use makes THE BEST jalapeno cheese sausage. And the jerky - OMG. The hole family LOVES it~!~!



Y'all aren't ready to go home already are you?




OK - let's take a few pictures before we head home.














November 28 - December 2: I wasn't super productive on this trip. I mean - sometimes you just gotta relax and enjoy it. One thing I did was go sit in the blinds. I have three feeders and two blinds set up. One feeder goes off at 7:00am, and the others at 4:00 and 5:00pm. After walking the dogs (individually so they will pee) and making coffee, I got in the blind about 6:30am. It was pitch black. It was also very foggy, so no light from the moon - nothing. Well, I couldn't even see the feeder until almost 7:00 when the sun was rising. The feeder went off, and a bit after that a few deer finally started coming in. Just as they started to get comfortable, something spooked 'em and they scattered. I was like - WTF? I'm being quiet. Then I saw it - that big nasty wild boar. We just call 'em pigs. He was peeping in and out of the bushes, but I saw a clean shot and took it. He spun around and did a 360 trying to run away. He didn't get but about 10 yards and fell under Juniper right next to the feeder. So that was the big excitement of the trip. Other than that I did some more 200 yard shooting, fixed the back gate hinge, filled the feeders and painted the smaller double gate at the Cobb House.



...nasty pig.




I had to haul him far away from the feeder





There's a decent buck





I think this old deer blind has seen better days.




Of course, the dogs have to check out everything





Thirsty after a long walk





Decent 200 yard group of four shots



Looking back to the barn where I've set up my shooting bench





Unless I lock them in the house, the dogs follow me everywhere








Looking down the barrel al the 100 yard targets




Again, when I'm up there by myself with the dogs, I end up taking a lot of pictures towards the end of the day as I'm relaxin' - just having a cold one and grilling some meat.



That is THE MOON rising. It was coming up about the same time as the sun was setting, and it looked almost as bright and orange as the sun



Filling the feeders is a bit of a chore - climbing that ladder with a 50lb bag of feed over your shoulder





Y'all want out yet?





My 100 yard targets





...and my new Ruger Precision Rifle. It's a bolt action .308.



It's a bit cold out here.







...another beautiful evening at the Double B Ranch





December 10 - 14: I got the call from the deer processor that my meat was ready - so darn, I had to make another trip to the ranch. I knew it would be my last before the craziness of the holidays hit.  It was a relaxing visit spending more time in the blinds, and just doing random stuff like spraying Demon around the house and barn and even raking up some of the bigger rocks around the barn.




My new grill guard. It's needed because of all the deer on the roads out there.
Last thing I need is to hit one, and get stuck with a broken radiator out where I have no cell service.



One of my favorite places on the ranch.





Merry Christmas Y'all
Next year I'll get bigger wreaths





More deer feed





Hey little buddy!







That's 4 lbs of hamburger, 30 jalepeno and cheese sausage links, and that top bag on the right is filled with the best beef jerky you've ever had.




...and no, you dogs can't have any





Reese's new spot




They've become inseparable



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #10 - Paris and Reese play in the fields


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #11 - Paris and Reese play in the fields (part 2)

This feeder is FULL






What'd y'all find?





Just to the left of the mirror you can see the one feeder I have that doesn't have a blind.
This trip I decided to just sit in the Polaris and see what came in when it went off




And I wasn't disappointed





There are THREE nice bucks





The 4:00 feeder is not too far from the 5:00, so the deer move between the two. Here's one of those bucks I saw before making the trek.





I count at least 16 - maybe 20 deer under that feeder.



Looking away from the sunset - yet still beautiful.




December 26 - 31: With everyone home for the holidays, Jacqui, Lauren and Austin came with me to the ranch between Christmas and New Years. Austin, the dogs and I left the day after Christmas. Jacqui and Lauren came up the next day. Lauren is taking a 'winter-mester' calculus class so she spent most time doing homework. Austin and I played ping pong, lots and lots of ping pong. For some reason I'm always busy when the kids are here, so I don't end up taking many pics. I'm sure by this point you're saying YEAH!! ....well, here are the very last few ranch pictures from 2020.




Late night grilling under a full moon.




I don't usually have that BLINDING overhead light on - but Jacqui needed it to see better as she walked around








I saw on the weather it was supposed to snow on Dec 31, and was tempted to stay and see it.
But we had some plans for New Years...so...


Happy New Year from Double B Ranch!!!


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