Breckenridge 2013
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For spring break this year, we went skiing at Breckenridge, Colorado. It looks like they are now trying to shorten the name to just 'Breck'. Whatever..... Anyway, Nannie and Ron invited us, along with Bruce and Julie's family - and it was BEAUTIFUL. It was snowing when we got there, and continued through the night. I think there was about 6 or 8 inches of new snow on the mountain.
Nannie and Ron's humble abode
Good morning - are y'all ready
to ski?
The view from our kitchen on the
1st morning.
Austin has his ski clothes on -
Let's GO!!!
On the first day, I really didn't want to drop Austin off at ski school, so I took him up the mountain. OMG, he really struggled on that first run down. He fell on most every turn, and lost his ski's most every time. Now, I'm in the worse shape I've ever been - so I was WIPED OUT. Thankfully, Austin got better quickly. Towards the bottom of that first run he made a few good turns - so I knew there was hope. On the second run down he did much better - only fell about twenty times. That took about two hours, and because it also took about two hours to rent equipment that morning, it was time to break for lunch. After lunch, I still needed a rest - so Jacqui took Austin up, while I made a few runs with Lauren.
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #1 - My first lift ride with Austin
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #2 - Skiing with Lauren
We woke up to a beautiful sunny
You can see the runs on peak 8 from the kitchen.....niiiiiiice.
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Riding the gondola is fun~!
Austin is ready to do MUCH BETTER
OMG, it was like night and day - Austin did a GREAT job on his second day. We all skied together that day (I called it 'picture day'), and Austin did GREAT~! By the end of the day, he was able to ski down the green slope from top to bottom without falling once. He started to ask when he could do some blue runs. ...and to be honest, I was beginning to think he was ready.
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #4 - Watch some amazing jumps while we ride lift #5
I was SO HAPPY to be able to ski
with my family.
On the third day, we decided to put Austin in ski school. Honestly, it wasn't that he really needed it - it was more because I was SO TIRED of riding lift #5. It's the slowest lift with the longest line - and it stopped often because of all the young kids having trouble. So on our third day while Austin was in ski school - Jacqui, Lauren and I stayed on Peak 7. It was AWESOME - hardly any lines at the lift, and lots of beautiful blue runs.
Riding the lift with my two favorite
The views from the top were amazing.
CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #7 - Jacqui and Lauren ski - with more amazing views.
Nannie had birthday cards and cupcakes
for all the kids - SO SWEET!
We debated what to do on our last full day in Breckenridge. Jacqui and Lauren had already turned in their ski's, and Austin and I had originally thought we would try a blue run. However, we were all feeling lazy that day, so Austin decided to stay with Ryan, while Jacqui, Lauren and I went shopping in downtown Breckenridge. It was a fun way to wrap up the trip.
See y'all next year~!