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For spring break this year, Austin and I joined Julie, Kenn, Ryan, Grace and Bruce at Ron and Cellia's place in Breckenridge. Jacqui and Lauren didn't join us because...they're LAZY! ....I'm kidding (kinda), it was more due to Jacqui's work and Lauren's school. Anyway, Austin and I had a GREAT time. He was in ski school the first two days, and graduated from the green to the blue slopes. He even skied a BLACK! ...sure, it was short with no moguls, but hey - it was a black! We had a ton of time skiing together, and I really enjoyed it.

On the first day - Julie isn't feeling well, so Kenn and I hauled Ryan, Austin and Grace up the mountain, and get them checked in to ski school/day care. Then, Kenn and I went out and just DESTROYED the mountain. We were blazing down the slopes, and I was filming it all with my new GoPro camera. I got some AMAZING footage...YOU GOTTA CHECK IT OUT!!

CLICK HERE FOR MY 1st GO-PRO MOVIE - Kenn and I ski the slopes of Breckenridge!

CLICK HERE FOR MY 2nd GO-PRO MOVIE - I ski with Julie, Kenn and Ron!

Day two was another day with the kids in school, and the adults skiing. Julie and Ron joined Kenn and I, and we all had a BLAST. Day three we all skied with the kids. Everyone was blown away by how well they were skiing. The boys were ripping up those blue slopes! The next day was Saturday, and everyone was ready for a break. It worked out well, because the weather wasn't good. Kenn and I went into town - had lunch at Bubba Gump's and then visited Eric's for a few games of pinball. Next day was Sunday - another day to all ski together. Everyone was doing great until Julie got wrapped up with the lift line barricade. Blew out her knee and had to be taken off the mountain in a stretcher. Austin and I made a couple more runs, but everyone was pretty much skied out by that point. The last day, Ron and I skied together. We had some great runs, but one time got off on a hard blue with lots of moguls - that was a lot of work. We wrapped up with a nice cold beer with lunch. ...man, I got in some great skiing.


It was snowing HARD on our drive from Denver to Breckenridge. ...was a bit scary.




We're HERE!!




Austin - step outside so I can take your picture!


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #1 - The first lift ride up the mountain.



Kenn and I are on the Mountain!!





We had GREAT conditions - new snow and lots of sunshine.


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #2 - The top of Peak 6 (new for this year)


...and it wasn't as crowded as I'd expected it to be over spring break.


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #3 - Austin talks about his first day in ski school


The boys are ready!




CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #4 - The gondola ride to start day two


Headed up again!





CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #5 - On the lift with Ron, Julie and Kenn



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #6 - Julie on the moguls


Kenn, Ryan and Julie enjoy the lift ride.


CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #7 - Day three, on the lift with Austin



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #8 - Austin goes to the top - his first blue run



CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #9 - Kenn, Ryan, Julie and Austin on the lift

CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO #10 - Early Sunday with Austin



That's it - hope to see you on the slopes again next year!


Send me email!