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Lauren's 18th Birthday!


Lauren is 18. Just typing those words is difficult, much less wrapping my head around the idea. I can still remember my 18th birthday pretty clearly. My dad flew me, my mom and my girlfriend down to Galveston for dinner at Gaido's. My girlfriend wasn't much for small planes, and got sick. ...it wasn't quite the evening we planned. But enough about me - this is LAUREN'S EIGHTEENTH BIRTHDAY PAGE!!!!!

Lauren's birthday falls on the same week as spring break, so we've always had to work around that. This year, since it was our last year before Lauren goes to college, we wanted to do something special - so we booked a vacation to Cozumel. Because Lauren was going to be away from her friends and boyfriend, Jacqui had everyone write something so we could put it in a book and give it to her when we were away. It really was very special, and I think we all shed a tear reading it.  I've included my contribution below... I'd like to scan the entire book and put it here - guess I should check with Lauren on that. Anyway...here's the birthday pictures!























Of course, we had the annual Ryan and Lauren birthday celebration at Benihana





















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