Lauren plays softball - 2008
Most of these pics were taken about 2 weeks after Lauren's 7th birthday - at Camp Sienna's 1st Opening Day for girls softball. Lauren loved it - and was the best girl on the team. ......What? Don't all parents say that? Of course!
LOOK FOR THE VIDEO on this page!!!.....well - links to video - does that count? ....look all the way down...
The girls
are ready for The Opening Ceremonies
OK, we are going to carry this banner, and walk on the field...
Lauren is just a bit taller than the other girls...
...she was right on the age cutoff. we go....
It was a bit hectic trying to get the girls together....
...adding Austin to the mix only increased the craziness.
Awwwww, he's got a bo-bo on his elbow....
...ok...are the girls ready?
OK - I think most everyone is ready....
...and announcements, etc.
A zoom shot of Lauren's team - The Red Hots - WOOOHOO!!
Nana and Pops made it out for the big day - THANKS!!
...Austin and Lauren both LOVE to see Nana and Pops.
These next two pics were taken later in the season - at one of the games.
Get ready
...made you scroll all the way down here for the video links...(who am I punishing? I'm probably the only person reading this...)
LAUREN GETS A DOUBLE!! <--video link
ANOTHER BIG HIT!!!! <--another video link
[end of content]