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Mexico City 2014

I had a business trip to Mexico City this year. It was my first time there, and I thought it was cool. It's HUGE!! There are some parts that are really nice, and of course, some parts that are not. We stayed in a very nice hotel right on one of the main traffic circles in the city. Because I was working, I didn't have a lot of spare time to tour around and take pictures, but I did mange to get a few along the way. Enjoy!


The view from my hotel window




One of the main traffic circles









Another view from the hotel









Yeah, it's a bit smoggy in Mexico City.






My coworker Jeffrey. We go waaaaay back to the old LAN party days.











CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #1 - Mariachi Party!

CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #2 - Mariachi Party!

CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #3 - Mariachi Party!







"A meal without tequila - is like breakfast"





Beautiful sunrise.

























It's amazing how huge Mexico city is. The next few pics only show the outer edge of the city - taken as I was flying home.

















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