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Paris, France 2009


Julie, Kenn and Ryan have been living in Paris for the past three years. Yet somehow, it's taken us this long to fly over and visit them. Well, better late than never I suppose. We really did have a great time, and took hundreds of pics (and a few videos too). I tried to whittle those down to a reasonable number. ...but there are still a TON of pics on this page - so I recommend you grab a cold one, sit back, relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of Paris.


We left Houston at 3:30pm Wednesday, and arrived 7:30am Thursday - Paris time.


We went to the grocery store to stock up, then relaxed at Kenn & Julie's beautiful apartment.


Thursday evening we shared a few drinks with Julie's friends Darcy and Alex.


Friday morning - we are on our way to see Monet's gardens in Giverny, France.



It was about a 45 minute train ride....




We made it - but need some coffee to get started.


...and this is Mon
et's house.








We toured the gardens before going inside the house.
Most everything was just starting to bloom, and it was beautiful.





You can see the famous bridge...






They didn't allow pictures inside the house, so I had to sneak this pic.
You can a picture of Monet - standing in this room - almost exactly has it appears today.


Looking out Monet's window, I wonder about a life spent painting ....







Jacqui and Julie on the famous bridge.








The best pic of the day...




Walking through the ancient streets of Giverny.





We had a couple cold ones as we waited for the next train home.





Friday evening, the girls got all dressed up and went to see a dance show - and then to the Buddha Bar afterwards.

The guys stayed home and played poker (no, we didn't take any pics of that)..


After sleeping in WAY LATE, we got ready and headed out to see the Chateau de Versailles





Another pic just outside Julie & Kenn's apartment.
They live almost directly between the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel tower.



A picture from the bus as we pass the Eiffel Tower.


This picture was taken just after getting off the train at



A quick stop at McDonalds before making the long walk



On our way....I can see it up there...



Getting closer....



We made it - and met up with Kenn and Julie's nanny, and her boyfriend.



Behind Kenn is the Royal Chapel.



Standing in front of the newly restored golden gates - with more restoration work going on behind us.



You can see how they are restoring all the gold leafing....amazing.




The front of the palace.




...and here we are at the back of the palace - getting ready to tour the AMAZING gardens.



I think Jacqui is finally sick of taking pics...




















This looks like a good spot for a picnic.


A little bit of wine, and Julie is all smiles.



Awww, such a cute young couple...



Yes, we polished of a couple of these.




The fountains are on!!



CLICK HERE TO SEE MOVIE #1 - The fountains of Versailles










CLICK HERE TO SEE MOVIE #2 - More fountains of Versailles







We made our way back to the front....




...and now, a bunch of pictures from inside the Chateau de Versailles




Here is a painting of Versailles from LONG ago....before the Chapel was built...


Hi Jacqui~!


Notice the amazing crown molding...




The Royal Chapel











Yeah, I guess I could live here...






The Kings bedroom...







And now, the amazing Hall of Mirrors...


CLICK HERE TO SEE MOVIE #3 - The Hall of Mirrors



This was my favorite area.
The walls were lined with these huge paintings, each depicting a famous battle.





And that concludes our tour of the
Chateau de Versailles.
It really was amazing!



A couple more pics of the Eiffel Tower - taken on our way home from Versailles.




We eat at a really nice Italian restaurant that evening.



Then, it was time for the Saturday night Pub Crawl~!




Check out the old basement of this pub...


...and here is another pub who converted their wine cellar into more party space.



Kenn made me do it ...


Trying to get home after all the trains and busses have stopped running for the night was an ADVENTURE...
...but we made it!


CLICK HERE TO SEE MOVIE #4 - Au revoir Paris

Au revoir Paris!



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