South Padre Island 2015
Jacqui and I planned to take the kids down to South Padre and meet up with Jay, Sherrie, Christopher and Claire. What we didn't realize was that, once Lauren made the high school volleyball team, her season started right then. Since she couldn't go, and Jacqui didn't feel right leaving her - it was just Austin and I. But hey, we made the best of of it. We got to roadie down there in my Mustang, and that was fun. Look ma - no tickets! Of course, it was even more fun once we got there. The weather was perfect, the beach was fun, the drinks were cold, and the friends were awesome~!
Christopher and Austin spent most
of the time perfecting their sand castle building techniques
....and.... it is in all it's glory...
...TA DA~!
It was a beautiful day on the beach.
Jay and I relax and enjoy the day.
Sherrie stops by to check in on us.
Claire and her friend catch some rays.
We played on the beach all day....
The next day we took a snorkeling tour.
The nice lady who offered to take our picture had big thumbs.
How best to finish the day - on the beach, of course!
These guys have it down to a science.
I had fun. :-)
Christopher was digging for gold.
You can tell Jacqui isn't around....look at Austin's hair!!