SunKing Ranch 2019
It happened!! What was once only a dream, has come to be real. I am the proud owner of 250 acres of Texas Hill Country ranch land Yep, I'm a rancher. Well, there's no cattle - just lots of deer. But let me step back a bit and give you the back-story. Several years ago my brother purchased about 150 acres that shared a fence-line with his old college roommate. I got to visit a bunch, and even took Austin with me once. I'd always wanted some land, long before my brother got his property. However, the logistics (and $$) were always an issue. Then, earlier this year at Lauren's graduation party, my brother mentioned that Donny (who he bought his land from) was *maybe* interested in selling off another part of his 880 acre ranch. The opportunity to have some land so close to my brother was something I had to explore.
Over the next few months Bill and I both talked to Donny and expressed my interest in purchasing 100 acres. Bill met Donny over there, and took a bunch of pictures. I was like a kid on Christmas morning looking at those pictures the first time. It was so beautiful, and the fact it had this historical farm house on the property was like icing on the cake. I was determined to make it happen. Well, the next several months were like a rollercoaster. It would go from "yes, I think we can make a deal" "well, the entire 880 acre property is listed for sale" ...I'd check in every week or so to see if it was still on the market. Then, Donny decided to split his land into two tracts - the larger 630 acres with the main house and all barns, buildings, etc - and the smaller 250 acres with the old farmhouse. Well, the 630 sold AND the buyer had an option to buy the 250 as well. ...I was on pins and needles waiting to hear if he'd exercise that option or not. Then, one day I got a call from Donny with the good news. The buyer declined the option, and he would offer me the land before putting it on the market. The only caveat - it was all 250 acres - he would not spit it. Jacqui and I went out there and met Donny's RE agent (Mark), and toured the property. It's amazing. We are really stretching ourselves, but we made it happen!
History Behind The House
The next set of pictures were the ones Bill took, when Donny showed him the property for the first time.
The old ranch house is so cute!
Nice new gate, still being painted.
And I love all the nice oak trees
So pretty!
The old farmhouse was updated around 2006/'07
It has water, electric and propane.
The floors are new...
...but that's the original beadboard ceiling.
Yikes - the bathroom needs some work.
There are some HUGE oaks on the property
The concrete cistern and deer watering trough
And a nice new holding tank for the house.
It's slightly higher than the house, so you still have water even without power
or well pump
The remains of the old sheep barn
Donny points out one of the wet weather creeks
The next set of pictures were taken when Jacqui and I met Bill and Ilonka and stayed at their place. While there, we had Donny and Le Nan give us a tour of the property.
Going out to eat in Frederickburg
before heading to the ranch
Oh nice - Donny finished painting the gate.
Bill relaxes on the porch.
These pictures were taken when Jacqui and I met Marc (Donny's RE agent) and toured the full 250 acres for the first time.
Jacqui and Marc walk the porch
...and yes, that little door in the eves is the only attic access.
Other than the doors, there are no windows on the back of the house.
We plan to fix that.
Bennie Cobb carved his initials on the chimney
Oh yeah, it was also Bill's 60th.
Happy Birthday Bill!
And then - after tons of negotiations and paperwork - it was official. Here's the Grand Gate Opening!
On Friday, Nov 1st, I open MY gate
for the first time!
C'mon, let's go explore!
Jacqui and I visit - but stay the night in Fredericksburg weekend of Nov 8-10
I had to take a look in the attic to see what was going on up there
Such a pretty view from the porch
...and so many deer too!
We thought this guy was going to walk right up to us
Jacqui and I toast to a beautiful sunset on the ranch
And I broke in my truck properly by hitting my first deer.
Thankfully, it was just a glancing blow, so the deer and truck came away mostly
My first (and hopefully last) deer smear
Weekend of Nov 15-17 - my first nights at the house
I got the new bed set up, but you're supposed to let the mattress expand for
a day or so before using it
I removed the 'tin roof' material that was used to cover the porch sides - I
think it looks better without it.
The house looks so cute at sunset
My very first night sleeping in the house.
It was freezing.
The fire was nice, but it didn't really heat up the house that much
It took me a while, but I finally got the propane heaters working.
I just needed to 'bleed out' all the air from the lines.
Yep, it's a true Texas ranch house allright.
Texas '63 plate
I just love seeing all the deer
I woke up, looked out the window, and saw even more deer.
They're everywhere!
I found this old tool when I was taking the tin off from the porch - cool!
Another thing I did that weekend was go through a box of old photos that the Cobb family left behind. I took home the interesting ones and scanned them.
Ollie and Irene Cobb
They purchased the ranch in 1907 and built the old farmhouse in 1915.
They had TEN kids
I haven no idea who those babies are...
...and I'm not even sure that's the Cobb house...
...but I thought it was a really cool old picture.
Not sure who these guys are...
...but that's definitely the Cobb house.
I believe this is one of the older pics of the house.
Notice how the road is right at the house, and how the Bernice / Benny sign
is across the road.
It looks like the tree in the front yard is still there, and there's no roofing
tin around the porch.
I believe this is a few years later, maybe after they rerouted the road.
The tree in front yard has been cut
This looks like the 1950's....maybe early 1960's
Late 70's ...maybe early 80's
Notice new tin around porch, and the wood lattice
1980's for sure.
Love the outside extension cord wiring.
This is the back bedroom
That's the front door - again I'm guessing 1980's...early 90's maybe?
I have those two bed frames still.
And back to real-time
- these pictures were taken the weekend of Nov 22-24.
I wasn't really planning to go to the ranch that weekend - but the painters
called and wanted to start work - so - darn...I had to go. Hehehe
Eventually I'll know all the different
Oak species...
But the one's that aren't live oak change colors and drop their leaves.
If you look REAL close, you can see my Polaris way back there.
Jacqui added the wreaths - cute!
...and I decided to remove this half wall that was in the breezeway.
It was harder than it looks.`
At the top, the boards were nailed to the frame ABOVE the beadboard.
I had to cut them first, then with a hammer I busted out the smaller pieces.
Oh, and I used a chainsaw to get the two boards on the sides. Yeah, subtle like
It really opens up the space.
You can hardly see where I patched up the wall.
...and a little black paint here.
After I'd painted the wagon wheels, I relaxed on the porch and watched the deer
come in.
Y'all come back now - ya hear!