Christmas 2012
This year, it seemed like we were a little bit more organized, and Christmas wasn't as hectic as last year. Of course, we had just moved into our new house in September last year - so I'm sure that had something to do with it.
We had four big Christmas events for 2012. The first was Sunday evening at Mary's, where the kids opened some gifts, and we had roast, rice and gravy. The second was Monday at my folks, where the kids opened more gifts, had the Santa Treasure Hunt, and we had filet mignon with all the trimmings. The third - and really the 'true' Christmas event was Christmas day. In the morning the kids opened even more gifts (some from Santa!), and in the evening we entertained the grandparents and had chicken and sausage gumbo. The fourth and final Christmas event took place Thursday the 27th, when we had the extended Berryman family Christmas party at the Huntwick Club. ....unfortunately, I didn't take any pics that evening...though I know Richard did - and may post some of his later.
Anyway - on with the show!
Our tree is decorated, and the
presents are wrapped!
We took this picture about a week before Christmas, and it came out great!
Party at Mary's House
The girls are ready to celebrate!
Austin is excited to open presents.
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #1 - The kids open presents at Mimi's
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #2 - The kids open presents at Mimi's
Gosh, Lauren is growing up fast - she's only 11.
Grace is excited to open presents too!
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #3 - The kids open MORE presents at Mimi's
Lauren and Austin battle it out.
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #4 - Lauren and Austin battle it out - plus Mimi - FUNNY!
My Happy Family
So yeah, we took a lot of pictures that night.
Party at Nana and Pops House
I set the camera self timer, and jumped into the picture.
Nana and Pops with their Grandkids.
More pics - woohoo!!!
Enough pictures - we are ready to open presents!!
The girls look so pretty!
It can get a little crazy at times...
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #5 - The kids open presents at Nana and Pops
A gift for Pops!
...and one for Austin.
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #6 - The kids open MORE presents at Nana and Pops
A little rivalry can be a good thing.
Time for the famous Santa Treasure Hunt!!
HERE to see VIDEO #7 - Trying to start the famous Santa Treasure Hunt
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #8 - Lauren starts the famous Santa Treasure Hunt
HERE to see VIDEO #9 - Austin starts his famous Santa Treasure Hunt
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #10 - Austin enjoys the famous Santa Treasure Hunt
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #11 - More of the famous Santa Treasure Hunt
Before we left, we lit the 'Huntwick
This tradition dates back to the beginning of the neighborhood, and it's something
I remember doing every year as a kid.
Christmas Day at Our House
At 6:00am, the kids are ready to open the gifts from Santa.
....can someone make coffee??
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #12 - Lauren and Austin open Santa's gifts!
An iPhone5, and an iTouch5 - those are some LUCKY KIDS!!
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #13 - Lauren and Austin open MORE Santa gifts!
What else did Santa bring??
We did have a very Merry Christmas
CLICK HERE to see VIDEO #14 - Lauren and Austin open the XBOX360!!!!!
Yawn.....I'm tired too!!
The sun is up....and the gifts have been opened.
I asked Jacqui to take a picture with me in it - to prove I was there Christmas
And I CAN'T WAIT until next summer when I get to try out my new floating cooler.