Christmas 2013
This year, the Christmas festivities started at my folks house. Jacqui and I arrived before my brother and his family, so we took that opportunity to set up the tripod and get a couple pictures. Once everyone arrived we started with the stockings, had the usual breakfast casserole, and then opened presents.
The stockings are FULL!
Nana hand stitched a stocking for each grandkid
Look at all those presents under the tree!
Austin LOVES Hershey's chocolate.
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #1 - Opening gifts at Nana and Pops
Awww - so cute!
Pops is excited!
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #2 - Lauren opens gifts at Nana and Pops
The Berryman Girls
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #3 - The boys at Nana and Pops
Trey and Blake got lots of stuff too
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #4 - The Treasure Hunt (part 1)
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #5 - The Treasure Hunt (part 2)
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #6 - The Treasure Hunt (part 3)
After celebrating Christmas at my parents house in the morning, that afternoon we went up to the Huntwick Club for the extended Berryman Christmas party. It was great seeing everyone, and amazing how fast the kids have grown.
The gift opening was mayhem
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #7 - The extended family party
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #8 - More of the extended family party
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #9 - Even more of the extended family party
We spent Christmas Eve at Julie and Kenn's house with Mary, Bec, Michael and Theresa. Mary even taught me how to make the famous roast. Yumm!!
We set up the tripod for a group
pic - and took a few 'test shots' as well.
Lauren and Austin watch Gracie
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #10 - Austin and Lauren ride rip-sticks in front of Julie's house
Lauren, Gracie, Austin and Ryan all did a great job taking all these pictures.
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #11 - More of Austin and Lauren riding rip-sticks in front of Julie's house
It was a Crazy Day!
On the drive home from Julie's, we looked at some really cool Christmas lights.
Austin takes a pic.
And the rest of the pics on this page were taken Christmas day. Enjoy~!
Look - Santa came!!!
We had a TON of gifts!
(great job Jacqui!)
The kids woke us up around 6:30 - well before sunrise.
More Chocolate~!
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #12 - Christmas morning
Minecraft Torch!!
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #13 - More from Christmas morning
...and Jacqui got a new skirt - nice!
Austin loved his bean bag chair.
CLICK HERE for VIDEO #14 - Even more from Christmas morning
And Lauren got some new glasses.
We made a mess...but it was FUN!
Nana and Pops came over for a visit - and a few more pictures too.