November 13, 2007 - Red, Seether, Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace played the Reliant Arena (AstroArena). What an awesome lineup of bands! This was the concert we'd been waiting for - the concert of the year IMHO.
For various reasons, we were late to the show. We got there as Red was playing their last couple songs, so we missed 'em while we were getting drinks. Oh well. We hooked up with our friends, and the PARTY WAS ON!
I love it when the girls get together.
S E E T H E R !
Seether just TORE IT UP!! As usual, they opened with Gasoline! <-click to see the video!
As I type this - looking back at the show - Seether was my favorite band. Don't get me wrong - Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace tore it up and I was rocking out - but Seether just CRUSHED IT~~~~!!!!!!
here is some other video from the concert I found....
After Seether's set, we made the mistake of trying to go outside, so the smokers could do their thing. OMG, it must have been an IDIOT in charge of the smoking section, because they only had TWO DOORS to get in and out. It was grid lock, and people just started smoking inside. That got security's attention and they finally opened a couple more doors. I'm glad they did because it was looking like it was about to get ugly. Imagine several hundred smokers all trying to get through 2 doors...well - anyway - that was the only bad part of the entire evening - on with the show!
All smiles after the Seether set.
I N G B E N J A M I N !
If you include Buzzfest - I've seen Breaking Benjamin three, maybe four times before this show. I like them more each time. In fact, the last time I saw them at Verizon - I rated it a 5 star show. I am happy to say that they did not disappoint tonight. They kept the crowd PUMPED!
It was hard getting a decent pic
from this distance.
One of my favorite Breaking Benjamin songs is BREAKDOWN~!! ....and as you can see - the crowd loved it too. They played an extended montage of Metallica, AC/DC and a few other famous rifs. As much as I love Breaking Benjamin, I think my favorite part of their set was when Shaun from Seether came out for 'Change' (a Deftones cover). I love that song, and it sounded AWESOME~!!
We were jammin' out - and LOVING
the Deftones cover!
Ya know, I'm not sure why someone decided to take pics during this song.
I usually try not to take any pics with the flash during the show as it can
be distracting.
But, we were having so much fun, I didn't mind a bit.
C R E W !
You GOTTA check out this cover of the Deftones...
Here's one more clip from Breaking Benjamin I think you will enjoy - So Cold
I can't resist taking another pic
of the girls between bands.
OK, I guess I will take a pic of
y'alls ugly mug too - WHO LOVES YA BABY!?!?
I could have gone home a happy camper after Breaking Benjamin, but the show wasn't over. We moved up a bit closer for Three Days Grace. You could feel the energy. When they played 'Animal I have Become', the crowd was JUMPING!
Seriously, I think this may have been my favorite concert this year. Not only was it a stellar lineup of bands, but they also played a few choice covers. Like when Three days Grace played 'The Rooster' from Alice -n- Chains. I just love hearing the crowd sing along - AWESOME~!!
the end of the show, it was getting pretty rowdy down there. We had mosh pits
breaking out in front, and behind us. WOOOHOOO!!! Of course, I'm much too old,
brittle, and perhaps a bit wiser to get in there any more. That, or I just wasn't
drunk enough. Anyway, I've rambled enough - here's the last vid clip I took
from the show - 'Never
Too Late'.